Miscellaneous Branches of Kalts from Grodek Jagiellonski

This page is obsolete--for current information, go to http://www.kaltzone.com/FamilyTree.

These are groups of Kalts found in Grodek Jagiellonski Lvov vital records and in Yad Vashem pages of rememberance. (See also descendents of Leib Kalt on the "Manele Kalt and Descendants" page)

Channe Kalt and Descendants

It is possible that Channe Kalt and Chana Kalt (below) are the same person. However, Channe is probably not the same as Chana Kalt, listed on the "Manele Kalt and Descendants" page

Dwore Kalt and Descendants

The above information is from vital records for Grodek Jagiellonski

Jacob Kalt and Descendants

The above information is from vital records for Grodek Jagiellonski. It is possible that Salman Kalt is in fact Zalman Kalt, my great-grandfather. Zalman's birthdate is unknown, but since Samuel Kalt (my grandfather) was born in 1878 and is from Grodek Jagiellonski, a link is quite possible. It is also possible that Salman Kalt is the Zalman Kalt listed later on this page

Berl Kalt and Descendants

The above information is from vital records for Grodek Jagiellonski. This is not the same Berl Kalt who is the son of Samuel Kalt and Sara Kluger. This is apparently not the same Dwore Kalt listed above.

Chana Kalt and Descendants

It is possible that Chana Kalt and Channe Kalt (above) are the same person. However, Chana is probably not the same as Chana Kalt, listed on the "Manele Kalt and Descendants" page

Schie Ber Kalt and Descendants

The above information is from vital records for Grodek Jagiellonski.

Schewe Kalt and Descendants

The above information is from vital records for Grodek Jagiellonski.

Ides Kalt and Descendants

The above information is from vital records for Grodek Jagiellonski.

Ester Kalt and Descendants

The above information is from vital records for Grodek Jagiellonski

Itzig Nuchim Kalt and Descendants

The above information is from vital records for Grodek Jagiellonski

Golde Kalt and Descendants

The above information is from vital records for Grodek Jagiellonski

Mayer Kalt and Descendants

The above information is from vital records for Grodek Jagiellonski

Samuel Kalt and Descendants

The above information is from vital records for Grodek Jagiellonski. This is not the same Samuel Kalt who is the son of Zalman Kalt (my grandfather). Berl Kalt could possibly be the same person as Dov Kalt, who was married to Zissel Ethel ?-- Dov is an alternate form of Berl. He is not the same Berl Kalt who married Eltsche ? and is the father of Dwore Kalt.

Aaron Kalt and Descendants

The above information is based on a Yad Vashem Page of Rememberance submitted by Yoel Kalt.

Zalman Kalt and Descendants

The above information is based on a Yad Vashem Page of Rememberance submitted by Mikhael Kalt in 1956. The Zalman Kalt in this family group is not the same as my great-grandfather Zalman. According to their grandchildren, Zalman and Sobbel had 3 sons. Additionally, one of the sons was named Isaak, so it is unlikely that he would have two sons named Isaak. However, this Zalman Kalt could be the same as the Salman Kalt listed earlier on this page, or Salamon Jacob Kalt listed on the Lvov page.

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This page last updated on 05SEP99